5 Must Know Questions Related to Baby Bottle Sterilizer

5 Must Know Questions Related to Baby Bottle Sterilizer

Rimjhim Bhatia | November 01, 2021 - Updated : September 17, 2024|

Newborns & babies have a fragile and developing immune system. The immune system in babies develops gradually as they are exposed to bacteria & germs that can cause disease.

As parents, we often wonder & fret about various baby bottle cleaner & the best way to maintain the baby’s hygiene & sterilize their feeding essentials. Effective sanitization with a baby bottle sterilizer is essential to ensure that your baby’s health is not compromised. When bottle-feeding, it is essential to properly cleanse and sterilize their feeding equipment with a suitable cleanser that leaves their essentials clean & germ-free. Whether what you’ve chosen is glass, plastic, or silicone bottles, keeping them as pristine & clean as possible will help protect the baby’s developing immune system.

Baby Bottle Sterilizer & Why you should follow this regime

How do you sterilize baby feeding equipment?

Basic Infant feeding essentials comprise of bottles, feeding nipples, Bottle and nipple brush for cleaning, Sterilizing equipment & the most essential: baby bottle sterilizer which is easily available at pharmacists & newborn store . There are various cleaning liquids available for effective cleaning however, they can be harsh on a baby’s feeding essentials & may contain harsh substances which are harmful when ingested.
Hence, you must invest in a gentle yet effective baby bottle sterilizer liquid that will not only cleanse the impurities but also cleanse without leaving a residue.
Mother Sparsh Plant Powered Natural Liquid Cleanser is the best pick for milk bottle sterilizer in the market when you’re on the hunt for a baby bottle sterilizer or cleanser that is gentle on the bottles or wondering how to sterilize feeding bottles at home.

Below are some frequently asked queries that run through every new parent’s mind which will help you prep & be better informed when it comes to the best way to clean baby feeding essentials

Baby Bottle Sterilizer why it is essential for babies?

1. How do you clean feeding bottles?

How to clean baby bottles? There are numerous ways to go about sterilizing baby bottles with a baby cleanser for bottle and nipples from good old-fashioned boiling & steaming baby bottles & nipples. You can note how to sterilize bottles & that these methods & techniques can also be used when sterilizing sippy cups and pacifiers.
  • Cleansing by Hand: Experts & moms all around the world rely on this time-tested technique to sanitize with baby bottle cleaner liquid & sterilize baby feeding equipment. We recommend cleaning with baby dishwashing liquid submerging the feeding essentials in boiling water for 30 mins before allowing it to cool & air dry.
  • Using a dishwasher: Ensure that the feeding equipment is labeled as dishwasher-safe, we recommend opting for a baby bottle dishwasher for a hot-water wash cycle with baby bottle washing liquid and heated dry which allows better sanitization & eradicates more germs & bacteria.

Sterilizing with Microwave: Sterilizing & cleaning and sterilization of feeding articles with a microwave can be very handy & effortless. When attempting on how to clean feeding bottle in a microwave, ensure that the feeding equipment is microwave safe. Submerge the nipples, feeding bottle, and other feeding accessories in a bowl that is half full of water with a baby liquid cleanser. Place them in the microwave. Microwave on high for one to two minutes

2. What is the easiest way to clean feeding bottles?

Even if bottles & nipples appear pristine & clean, they still might be carrying germs & bacteria to your baby. Hence it’s essential to sterilize your feeding equipment properly with an effective baby bottle sterilizer.

How to clean Baby Bottle & Sterilize it? How should I clean it?

Follow these steps to know
how to sterilize feeding bottle & for cleaning your infant’s feeding essentials with feeding bottle cleaning liquid to help prevent germs from contaminating the feed that your baby needs.
There are three easy ways to go about it & to know how to sterilize : Wash by hand, sterilize them in boiling water, or by chemical sterilization.
The easiest technique for baby bottle sterilization is:

  • Take them apart. Separate the bottle & all its parts such as bottle, valve, nipples, rings, etc.
  • Rinse all the parts and other feeding items under running water.
    Refrain from setting them in the sink so they don’t get contaminated. The water can be warm or cold, as per your preference.
  • Allow the feeding equipment to air-dry.  Place the bottle & all its parts along with the cleaning equipment like bottle brush on a clean, unused dish towel or paper towel in a clean area that is protected from dirt, dust & impurities. Allow to air dry thoroughly & refrain from using towels to dry as they can transfer the germs & bacteria to the cleansed equipment.

3. How do you sterilize baby bottle nipples?

Queries related to Baby Bottle SterilizerWhether you’re formula feeding your kid or bottle feeding them breastmilk, it's important & imperative to use clean nipples.
Tiny openings & holes in the nipples can get clogged with dried milk, which makes it harder for your baby to feed & also runs the risk of contamination. Cleaning bottle nipples with baby bottle sterilizer prevents the bacteria & germs from getting into the milk.  It can be done either by washing them under running water or by boiling them.
In order to clean baby nipples, submerge them & clean them in warm soapy water & rinse with clean water. You can also boil the nipples for a few minutes in order to sterilize them. Set the cleaned nipples on a clean dry towel and allow them to air dry on a clean, unused towel or paper tissue to reduce the risk of contracting germs.

4. What soap should I use to clean baby bottles?

What Process I should follow to sterilize baby bottles

For extra germ protection & removal, ensure sanitizing the feeding essentials with baby bottle sterilizer at least once daily. If you’re wondering do baby bottles need to be sterilized after each use then sanitizing is extremely important when you have a newborn or a baby younger than 3 months. Daily sanitizing of feeding equipment with milk bottle cleaner may not be necessary for older, healthy babies with a developed immune system when & if the feeding equipment is cleaned carefully with feeding bottle cleaner after each use.

Choosing a plant-based cleanser not only proves to be best way to wash baby bottles, it is gentle on baby’s feeding equipment but also kills harmful bacteria present in baby bottles, nipples, & other accessories. Mother Sparsh Plant Powered Natural Liquid Cleanser is the most gentle & preferable best feeding bottle cleaning liquid & baby bottle sterilizer, enriched with plant-based ingredients such as Green Apple and Basil which have anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant properties that eliminate harmful bacteria in baby bottles, nipples, toys & accessories. It is skin-friendly & suitable not just for the feeding equipment but also for baby accessories & toys that come in close contact with the baby’s mouth. This bottle cleaning liquid is crafted with a gentle yet effective formulation that removes the milk films, stickiness, and odor 50% better than your normal kitchen & bottle cleaner , without leaving a residue behind. Most importantly it is made without toxins, harsh chemicals which makes it appropriate for babies.

Why you need a Baby Bottle Sterilizer? What happens if you don't

5. What happens if you don’t sterilize baby bottles?

Risks of not sanitizing can have a direct impact on a baby’s health & gut.
In order to safeguard their fragile immune system from harmful bacteria, flu & sickness, it is imperative that you follow the above-mentioned sanitizing regime every day! B aby bottles & feeding equipment that aren't properly cleaned with baby bottle sterilizer & sterilized can carry the risk of being contaminated with hepatitis A or rotavirus. These germs can survive & live on a surface for several weeks, which significantly augments the risk of your baby falling sick.

In conclusion, unsanitized bottles can also be a favorable habitat for harmful & threatening bacteria which runs the risk of your baby falling sick more often than usual, hence ensuring using a baby bottle sterilizer to ward off any unwanted risk of bacteria & germs.
Read more about our parenting tips & tricks & about baby items on Mother Sparsh Blog Column in order to be prepared & armed with essential information!