7 Magical Ingredients for Dandruff Treatment at Home

7 Magical Ingredients for Dandruff Treatment at Home

December 01, 2021|Apra Pathak

Feeling less confident is the key result of Dandruff flakes. When you are suffering from Dandruff, you may think about using any and all chemical products to get rid of it, or trade anything for the answer to how to get dandruff free hair. It is not an ideal solution at all. So we suggest trying some effective methods of effective natural dandruff treatment at home.

Do you think home remedies really work? Obviously, in the primary step, some homemade remedies will work well, and they are proven.

Below are some effective and reliable remedies.

Cause of Dandruff

Malassezia is one type of fungus that is the main cause of Dandruff. When this fungus starts growing, your scalp becomes dry and damaged and grows Dandruff. There are more reasons for the presence of Dandruff-

  • If you don’t wash and brush your hair regularly
  • When you don’t use shampoo constantly
  • Stress and any types of mental pressure or illness
  • Having unhealthy food
  • Parkinson's disease

They are the primary cause of Dandruff. They let us realize how to remove Dandruff without any medical treatment. You can try some ways of dandruff treatment at home with all natural ingredients.

Home Remedies For Dandruff

Here are 7 simple, easy, and most efficient homemade remedies to remove Dandruff permanently.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar
  2. Coconut Oil For Dandruff
  3. Mehndi For Dandruff
  4. Banana For Dandruff
  5. Garlic For Dandruff
  6. Curd For Dandruff
  7. Neem For Dandruff

1. ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best natural ingredients for hair and using apple cider vinegar for dandruff treatment at home is highly effective and has been backed by science.. For these ingredients, you don't need to go far away; they may remain in your kitchen room or refrigerator. With the help of this ingredient, you need to make a smooth paste.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Dandruff Treatment for Home

How to make:

  • Add some water with apple cider vinegar and keep it sideways.
  • After washing the hair, add the mixer to the wet hair
  • Then massage the hair gently.
  • Leave it dry for 10-minutes and then wash it with normal water.
  • To wash your hair, you can use the best dandruff shampoo for black hair.

Note: Don’t use it every day. Apply it two days a week that fight effectively against Dandruff.

2. Coconut oil For Dandruff

Indians have been using Coconut oil for dandruff treatment and as a natural and regular ingredient to nourish our hair. You can use it as a Dandruff treatment at home by adding it with some lemon juice. It is a very simple and useful home remedy to get rid of Dandruff and khuski permanently.

Coconut Oil For Dandruff Treatment for Home

How to make:

  • Take two tablespoons of coconut oil and two tablespoons of lemon juice and mix them properly.
  • Apply this mixture on your hair, even from the scalp, to root properly so that a single one won't miss.
  • Now leave it for 20-minutes, then wash using shampoo.

3. Mehndi For Dandruff

Mehndi is another natural ingredient, and most women and men use it as a conditioner on their hair from early years. After good research, it has proven that it also works well against Dandruff efficiently and is a cost effective way for dandruff treatment at home.

Mehndi for Dandruff Treatment for Home

How to make:

  • Take Mehndi cured based on your hair thickness and length.
  • Add some lemon and make a smooth paste.
  • Keep the paste for 5/6 hours so that it can prepare for application.
  • After that duration, apply it on your head from the root to the end of the hair so that it can cover the whole hair.
  • It not only removes the Dandruff but also makes a shin on your hair.
  • Let it air dry, which takes at least two hours.
  • Then wash the hair properly without shampoo. 

4. Banana For Dandruff

Using Banana for dandruff, along with apple cider vinegar makes the best natural treatment for Dandruff. Bananas are enriched in vitamin B and it helps to develop blood circulation and keep your hair healthy. Plus, apple cider vinegar is also known as the germ killer, which is essential for curing Dandruff and works wonders when it comes to dandruff treatment at home

Banana for Dandruff Treatment for Home

How to make:

  • Select a big size and full ripe banana. Make a paste of it and add two tablespoons or more apple cider vinegar with it.
  • Make a perfectly smooth paste so that you can apply it to your hair usefully.
  • Apply the paste on your hair and massage it on your scalp but make sure the paste covers the hair completely.
  • Leave it for 25 minutes.
  • After a time, rinse off with cool water with some shampoo.

5. Garlic For Dandruff

Do you wonder if using garlic for dandruff even works? It is true that garlic is also a natural ingredient that fights against a lot of germs inside and outside of our bodies. Hair is nothing different from them and thus, garlic makes for one of the best home remedies for dandruff and itchy scalp. Let's see how to make the paste of garlic for hair for dandruff treatment at home 

Garlic for Dandruff treatment at home

How to make:

  • Take some fresh garlic cloves and smash them
  • Now add one tablespoon of raw honey to make a good paste.
  • Now apply it to the scalp and root of the hair. Massage it gently but don't rub it.
  • Leave it for 20-minutes and rinse it off with shampoo. 

6. Curd For Dandruff

Curd is highly effective as a dandruff treatment at home though it may get extremely messy. The pH of curd is slightly acidic which gives it antimicrobial properties and therefore, works great as an itchy scalp remedy. Using lemon and curd for dandruff is highly effective. Lets see how to apply curd on hair for dandruff:

Curd for Dandruff Treatment for Home

How to make:

  • At first, buy curd if possible & make it at home.
  • Take some curd on a bowl and stir it to make a paste
  • Then apply it from the root and scalp of the head.
  • Wear a cap and wait for at least 1-hour
  • Keep in mind before making paste separate the excess water from the curd so that you can make a thick paste.
  • After 1-hour wash your hair with a mild shampoo

7. Neem For Dandruff

Neem is the most significant when it comes to Dandruff treatment at home, and it has been in most shampoos as the main ingredient. The process of using neem juice on the hair doesn’t make it as messy as curd when applying it on the hair. 

Neem for Dandruff Treatment for Home

The benefits of neem are not limited to hair dandruff solutions alone and if you want to learn more about neem and its properties read through the 5 Must Know FAQs for Neem Oil for Hair

How to make:

  • Collect some green young neem leaves of neem and then crushes them into a grinder machine or other mixer tools.
  • Make a thick and smooth paste.
  • Next, apply the paste onto your scalp and massage it gently
  • Leave it for 15-minutes
  • Lastly, wash it away with some regular water. If you need it, you can use a mild shampoo.

Cure Dandruff Permanently

Cure for Dandruff Treatment for Home Permanently

Dandruff treatment at home can be time-consuming and may pose as a burden. Some simple steps can be the answer to your question- how to get rid of dandruff permanently. 

  • Use the best shampoo for dandruff and hair loss that also suits your hair.
    Don’t use excess shampoo.
  • Keep the scalp neat and clean, always.
  • There are a lot of anti-dandruff shampoos in the current market that can work as a Dandruff treatment at home but may not be well for your hair or scalp. So, choose a mild quality anti-dandruff shampoo. If you’re looking for which shampoo is best for dandruff and hair fall, The Mother Sparsh Anti-dandruff Shampoo is a ginger and neem shampoo for dandruff which works best as a hair dandruff solution.
  • Use your own hairbrush and keep always clean the comb or brush
  • Ensure enough rest and eat healthy food that helps you to prevent Dandruff from inside.
  • Stay stress-free and sleep properly for 6/7 hours daily
  • During traveling, cover your head to save from dust

The following facts will help you to remove your Dandruff permanently and don't give permission to return it.

Last Say!

Though Dandruff is a frustrating issue, there are hundreds of natural remedies that you can get at home. Here we have already discussed some tips to treat Dandruff at home. They are tested and proven that they are the most efficient way to remove Dandruff even permanently.

We hope any of them will work well for your scalp, and you love it to use when you want. So, let's run and start to get Dandruff-free healthy hair.