Baby Colicky Abdominal Pain: Causes & Tips to Comfort
A newborn baby who does not seem to stop crying isn't always easy. Most of the time the baby's most passionate screeches mean they're hungry, wet, soiled, or lonely, and they will quiet down once you give them what they need. But sometimes, they keep crying even though they have been fed, cuddled in your arms, and have a clean dry diaper. That's when you may start wondering if you did something wrong or your baby may be sick. Yes, it could be baby colic or colicky abdominal pain. Now the question is how to deal with baby colicky abdominal pain?
No parent in the world loves to see their babies in pain and crying. As a new parent, you would always want to prevent these kinds of episodes and wish to give your babies relief as soon as possible. That’s why one needs to know why colic happens and the things you can do to prevent it as well as give comfort.
But if you have no experience with baby colic pain in newborn and are clueless about it, then you should definitely read this blog to know more about colic pain in babies. However, it’s recommended to see a doctor for any disease like flatulence, reflux, or allergies before coming to any conclusion or attempt to use any medicine directly on your baby. Once baby colic is diagnosed, then you can go with infantile colic treatment or try some old home remedies for your baby's colicky abdominal pain. Don't worry! Old home remedies for colic are totally safe and easy to use yet cure baby colicky pain at home. Let us help you more with the baby colic experience and some magical tips for the baby's colicky pain.
What Is Colic Pain In babies?
Colicky abdominal pain in babies leads to persistent inconsolable crying. The infant colic meaning in Hindi is "Udarshool". It is likely to start around two weeks from birth when a healthy baby ends up crying for hours and days, due to gaseous abdominal distension, often at night, with no known cause at all. It does not mean your baby is unhealthy. It goes away on its own by 3 or 4 months of age.
What Are The Symptoms Of Colic In Babies?
Infants often show signs of colicky pain at the same time every day, usually in the evening. You might notice that the baby is pretty happy until late afternoon or early in the evening and starts crying in the evening. Along with crying, some symptoms and signs include:
- Frowning and grimacing
- Reddening of the face
- The baby may pull his legs up, indicating stomach pain.
- Loud and long screaming fits
- Loud stomach rumblings
- The infant cannot be comforted
- The scream lasts for three hours or more.
- The infant passes the wind or poo at the moment the crying ends, which may be coincidental.
- The baby is healing, none the worse for the experience.
What Causes Colic In Babies?
Despite many studies on this common disorder, the cause of baby colicky abdominal pain remains unclear. There are several theories. However, some babies have colicky pain, whereas some babies don't have it. Common beliefs include the following:
- Mother's diet – Certain foods in the mother's diet may cause food allergies or intolerance in her breastfed babies. Try avoiding foods that cause colic in babies like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, chocolate, onions, and cow's milk. This may trigger colicky abdominal pain in babies. To know more about pregnancy care tips do read this blog on top 8 pregnancy tips for new moms.
- Maternal drug-taking – Caffeine and nicotine in breast milk result in irritability in babies. As the baby's immune system is not developed enough to deal with strong drug chemicals of caffeine and nicotine.
- Feeling of fullness – Babies may overreact to unfamiliar gas, gaseous abdominal distension, or fullness sensations and may perceive these feelings as painful or disturbing.
General immaturity – The baby may take a few months to adapt to life outside the womb. The developing immune system sometimes results in gripping pain. The gripping pain meaning is sudden, sharp pain in the baby's stomach or bowels. That may result in colicky abdominal pain later. You can try Mother Sparsh’s Gripe Water With Saunf & Pudina For Relieving Colic, Gastric Discomfort And Soothes Teething Pain & Hiccups.
Tips to Comfort A Baby Facing Colicky Abdominal Pain
By holding or stroking your kid, they realize that you're there for them. Even if they're still unable to calm down, try the following suggestions, which can help to calm your baby down-

- React quickly if your child is crying. This could mean they're going to cry less lately.
- Crying babies appear to be arching their backs and stiffening their legs. Keeping them curled in a C (or flexion) posture tends to calm them down.
- Try positioning your baby across your forearms or laps with their head resting in your hand. It is the easiest and best sleeping position for a colic baby. It will calm your baby and help in sleeping peacefully.
- Check that your child is not too hot or cold or in any way uncomfortable.
- Wrapping or swaddling on a cotton sheet may be relaxing.
- Many babies are calming themselves by sucking, so a dummy can be beneficial once the breast milk supply is going well.
- Patting can help soothe an infant.
- Soft lighting can also benefit certain babies who may be upset by harsh lights.
- Baby slings are perfect for safety and touch if the baby wants to be carried.
- Deep baths and gentle massages comfort some babies, but sometimes they don't help if your baby is still crying.
- Soft music or sound that has a beat or a rhythm, such as a loud clock, can help.
- You may be working too hard to settle the baby down (too much bouncing, patting, and burping). Place your baby in a quiet position for a while to see if they're going to relax.
- Bring a baby for a stroll in a pram or a sling or a trip in a taxi. You might find yourself going out for a lot of drives in the car for a few weeks - a lot of babies find it calming.
- Try colic treatment or colic pain home remedies to relieve your baby from colicky abdominal pain. You can try colic acid, gripe water, or tummy roll on that are available in the markets. But before using any of them, be sure to consult your pediatrician. You can also try tummy roll on, as it won't affect your baby internally and have no side effects. Try Mother Sparsh Tummy Roll On With Hing & Saunf Oil For Instant Relief From Colic, Indigestion and Constipation & massage your baby.
- It is very important to know how to do baby massage for colic. The right way to do this is - make your baby lie on their back, gently rub the baby's tummy in a clockwise motion and then pull your hands down the curve of the belly. Massaging their tummy in a clockwise direction will help in alleviating gaseous abdominal distension.
How does Mother Sparsh Tummy Roll On work?
For infants' colicky abdominal pain, Mother Sparsh has crafted grandma's approved home remedy that is 100% ayurvedic and made from some potentially powerful combination of different natural oils.
It is a concoction of 5 natural oils:
- Hing, which is an Indian home remedy ingredient to treat colic and other stomach-related problems.
- Pudina gives relief in indigestion cramps.
- Saunth provides relief in gas-related problems
- Saunf helps in the calmness of the disturbed tummy and facilitates indigestion.
- Sova, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
This Ayurvedic formulation can be applied directly onto the stomach. Gently massage around the navel area in a circular motion for around 4-5 minutes.
It is 100% natural, chemical-free, and preservatives-free which makes it safe to use on the sensitive skin of your child.
Try to create a peaceful environment at home as the baby might feel way better in a calm and quiet place. You may also try the tips we have mentioned above. If things still do not work out, consult your doctor. Moms who are breastfeeding their babies must have a look at their diet chart.
FAQs About Baby Colic?
Q.1. Is colic painful for babies?
Ans. Colic is inconsolable crying and happens due to colicky abdominal pain. It is a common problem in babies which has them irritated
Q.2. How do you relieve colic in babies?
Ans. The change in position may help calm colicky babies. You can also massage your baby's back and tummy with a tummy roll on, which is both soothing and may help gas pass through.
Q.3. Can breast milk cause colic?
Ans. Breastfeeding does not cause colic as many babies get colic from formulated milk too. But the diet of a mother does affect baby colic. Also, sometimes excess lactic acid causes gaseous abdominal distension that may lead to colic in babies.
Q.4. How do I know my baby has colic?
Ans. Babies often show signs of colicky pain at the same time every day, usually in the evening. The inconsolable crying, reddening of the face, loud and long screaming fits, frowning, and grimacing may help you in knowing that your baby has colic.
Q.5. Does gripe water help colic?
Ans. The herbs in gripe water therapeutically help with digestion and gastric problems, So, this remedy may help with colic caused by gassiness.